Meet Snowy.

Been very busy working on items for my stall this weekend. Thought as it is Christmas we needed a snowman, so meet the newest member of my creature family, Snowy the Snowman.
Lets hope he doesn’t melt away in his lovely warm scarf and boots.
That’s also my new make for this week covered, so my challenge is progressing nicely.


Week 2 of the make challenge

So as we go into the second week of my ‘a make a week’ challenge, I have a little wooden house Christmas decoration.
wooden house
Made from recycled children’s building blocks, matchsticks and lollipop sticks and with fine pearl glitter for snow, it will eventually form part of a small Christmas village. I will keep posting progress as the developers finish building.


My First Post – and a new challenge!

Well, here we go, my first ever blog entry. I have started this blog to encourage more people to make things, and in a hope they will enjoy crafts as much as I do. If no one reads my blog, then this will be the diary of a mad woman.
I have challenged myself to produce a new make every week for a whole year, and if I can manage more with a family to look after, a dog to walk, and a job to go to I will.

My first make is a knitted robin which I have designed for a craft fair I have a stall at on 26th November at the Priory Theatre in Kenilworth, Warwickshire. I made him long and skinny, just like the one that visits my garden every day. I hope you like him.