Easter Holidays

At last they have arrived the Easter holidays. Saturday, I had to get my haircut so off to Stratford-Upon-Avon we went. My family love it there, and what a corker of a day. The streets were busy with tourists, the sun was shinning and the street entertainers were all out and about.

I love flowers and we walked through the Market on the way to the coffee shop, having your haircut is thirsty work.

We went for an Americano at ‘ The Other Place’ and it was so relaxing and quiet. After our relaxing coffee we popped down by the river for a picnic and to look at the swans. I love swans and him indoors nearly fell in photographing them for me. I knew I had married him for a reason, he is kind and snapped as many photos as he could.







The sky was so blue I really did not want to leave.

Easter Rabbits

Wow, what a varied weekend. Saturday was a slow shop around Kenilworth, I found the Scope charity shop was selling new Boden clothes. They were stamped inside so I think they were slight seconds, but it was a nice surprise.

We came home and pottered in the garden, until we had to pick up my eldest from his Pub job.

Sunday was a very busy day, I spent several hours in the garden planting vegetables and salad. My husband very kindly photographed my four new Easter rabbits for sale in my Etsy shop. Please tell me what you think?.


Mothering Sunday

The weather was gorgeous over the weekend and my garden is starting to blossom.




My husband knew I was upset my teenagers could not spend the day with me. One was working in a pub kitchen up to his elbows in greasy pots and pans. The other one was doing homework ? so he took me to Burford for a walk and a browse.




Oh how I would love to live here with its creamy coloured buildings and its pretty gift shops. Even the local Co-op had wicker baskets for sale outside on the pavement. My lovely fella then brought me some hyacinths and daffodils, which have now three days later fill my kitchen with a strong scent.

I got home and decided to bake a carrot cake to say thank you for my day out. It had nothing to do with wanting to use these cute chocolate carrots I brought from Sainsburys. These Easter bunnies I keep knitting seem to appear everywhere. I think that is why I launched an Etsy shop to clear up my house.


Happy Hump Day

Well what a hectic few days. The weekend was busy with the usual shopping, gardening ( we planted a hedge) and visiting Tofts Alpaca Farm again !!!! for some food, coffee and a workshop. My husband and I learnt to spin fleece into one long strand. I really enjoyed it and it was very relaxing. One lady asked me if I was getting alpacas. I live in a dormer bungalow so I did smile to myself, our garden would probably be big enough for one alpaca not a herd.

I also have news my Easter collection is for sale in my Etsy shop. I love making my keepsakes and I have made plenty for friends and family recently.

Does a lime green frog count as an Easter creation?. My husband and I had frogs leaping on our wedding stationary when we got married 18 years ago ( I cannot remember why we chose frogs?!!!), but for some strange reason I kinda like them.


Sunday stroll.

Where has the week gone?, half term was blur in this household. There was a sleepover for my daughter so we had her friend to stay. My son was busy with work experience all week, poor lad did not have a holiday at all. My husband had to work and  I spent most of the week decluttering and tidying the house and garden. So Sunday was a catching up day for the whole family.


Sunday morning while most people were enjoying a lazy time in bed we went for a stroll around Dunchurch and wondered what it would be like to have a cottage here. We walked passed the pub, which we go to for special occasions as the food is always delicious. We found the village stocks, the thatched bus stop and the village planters were looking better than mine at home. The first signs of Spring were everywhere and I looked really geeky snapping everything in sight. My hubby thought I was going to get squished at one point as I lunged at a grass verge camera phone at the ready.

We then decided that after all this walking we needed a rest, so we strolled up to Tofts Alpaca Farm. They had just happened to open and had hot scones with cream and strawberry jam. My hubby brought my coffee to the table with a scone which had just winged its way on to the tray.



Oh well I had better get on with knitting my Easter bunnies. I have a pile of heads and no bodies and squares of fabric waiting to be turned into dresses and dungarees. I wanted them all in my Etsy shop by Tuesday. Have a great week.


February Bits and Pieces


Recently I have been very tired and have dark circles around my eyes. The winter months always make me feel drained and sluggish. Though catching the lurgy has not really helped with tonsils the size of small golf balls and the breathe of a stinky bin life has been an effort. Half term is here though and with no work for a week who could be down.

The weather has been so cold here and I am a warm weather person, being cold really isn’t my thing. So we decided that today as the sun was shinning that a trip to a garden centre was the only thing to be done. Unfortunately for my husband the garden centre I love going to is an hour away from our home. Burford Garden centre is the stuff of dreams, Emma Bridgwater pottery, lovely expensive candles and soaps. Even the toilets are posh with smelly hand wash and proper paper towels.

I am now happy after getting my fix of spring flowers, smelly hyacinths and sunny daffodils. I came away with two shopping bags full of stuff so a good day for me. My husband was happy as we had lunch there too and even though he is on a diet he could not resist the chunky shortbread biscuits they bake.



New beginnings

This week has started well – I have a cold and sore throat. I have really been feeling sorry for myself. However every cloud has a silver lining I have had my first pre order of my new cards for my Etsy shop.

This is my Springtime card made with an image of a sugarcraft Peony that I made a year ago.

As you might already know I love making my quirky knitted creatures and here are two more cards I will be stocking.

I am really enjoying being creative and making things. I must have passed this skill or illness on to my lovely daughter. I found one of her computer pictures the other day when clearing out a few old boxes.

Country Fair

Well January is nearly over and I must plough ahead with all my plans. The knitting book is coming together, though I had to take a break this morning and get some more wool supplies from Toft Alpaca Farm. I wanted to make all my creatures this year out of British wool and I did not realise how tricky locally it is to find. Oh well Tofts is always a good place to visit and mooch. My husband and daughter enjoyed helping me as they got a drink and millionaires shortbread from the Café there.

I am currently working on samples for my big springtime Country Fair. I have been knitting all afternoon and look what I created. I now need to do the ironing before my eldest is back from Cern with more dirty washing.


Weekend ramblings

What a busy weekend. Baking for the week ahead, Broad Bean Falafels, Filo Pastry Bacon and Pepper Flan ( The Hairy Bikers Cookbook) and Filo Jam tarts  Date night with my husband at a local country pub, Dahl and Merlot yum. Life does not get any better than this.

Oh and the most exciting thing gathering all the patterns together for a knitting book. 2017 you are a very good New Year already, just a bit more colour in the gardens, warm sunshine and it would have been a perfect weekend.